Because I care.

Perhaps life does a 180 on you, and everything feels scary and unfamiliar. Or, maybe you realise that you’ve changed and the life you thought you wanted is no longer the life you have.

Whatever your transition - finding a safe space is crucial.

I'm here to help you create your safe space, discover new possibilities and find your courage to flex.


Helping you safely transition from one stage of life to the next.

Certified Financial Transitionist CFP ® CeFT ®

082 923 9252 •

As a pioneer for Financial Transitions Planning in South Africa, I create a safe place for my clients to build, rebuild and leave an enriched legacy; one that has a deeper sense of identity and purpose. This involves a transition of wisdom, integrity, honesty, growth, perseverance, excellence and courage - one that I too have taken. Sometimes these transitions are thrust upon us, and other times we have the rare occasion to choose them for ourselves.

"When money changes life changes, and, when life changes, money changes.

All of life's transitions involve money, and this only makes it more complicated."

- Susan Bradley -


Let’s create a safe space together

Sometimes we choose to transition, other times we’re forced through trauma.

All healthy transitions begin with us taking a higher level view of what’s going on in life - similar to how the caterpillar changes into a butterfly by finding a safe, high branch to make their cocoon - their safe space.

On this journey we want to strategise, co-create, and integrate your money and your life.

When life happens, we should allow it to challenge, transform and grow us.

I believe that financial planning should be a true collaboration of human beings - creating a safe space to reimagine, rethink, recreate and rebuild.

"Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable."

- David Augsburger -


Change can be a gift.

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Creating a safe space to manage life’s transitions.